COVID-19 Information

NHS Covid Pass information

The NHS COVID Pass shows a patient’s COVID-19 vaccination details or test results and may be needed for foreign travel or attendance at events in England asking for proof of COVID-19 status.

For more information, please visit the NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board’s website here.

Long Covid

Many people with COVID will recover within a few days or weeks, but for some the effects of COVID unfortunately last longer.  Long COVID is now recognised and defined as:

  • ongoing symptomatic COVID-19: having signs and symptoms of COVID-19 for 4-12 weeks
  • Post COVID-19 Syndrome: signs and symptoms that develop during or after Covid-19 and continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis

For further information and support to self-manage Long COVID, please visit Your Covid Recovery.

Somerset Vaccination Programme

For further information including details about the different vaccinations currently being offered in Somerset, please visit here.